Will this one last?
Honestly… I’ve started and abandoned more blogs than I care to recall.
Although I’m tempted to feel crumby about that, like I dropped the ball… the temptation is minimal and almost tickles.
The reason I haven’t maintained my blog attempts are precisely the reasons why my maintaining one might be valuable to others.
I spend my time learning, practicing, testing, and teaching stuff that makes life better… not only for me, but for the whole earth family.
Of course I stumble and fumble. That’s how it works.
We find the doorknob in the dark by reaching for all the places it is not… until we inevitably arrive at the one where it is.
The more hidden treasures one seeks, the more often one encounters obstacles and stumbles.
On the other hand… the more often one finds treasures to share.
That’s the story of my life… at least, the most interesting parts.
Here, I’ll share some treasures and mishaps.
Such is the plan… and you know how to make GOD laugh, right?
Plans make a great punch line.
Until next time and beyond, be Blessed and be well.
Amor y Paz, TOA